Why do I feel this way
Self-doubt. Anxiety. Fear.
It’s 3 am – and you awake to racing thoughts. Overwhelmed with tremendous uncertainty, fear creeps in. Concerns of the future leave you paralyzed and filled with self-doubt.
Struggling to decipher what course of action to take, you begin to question what is wrong. You are afraid and ashamed, angry at yourself.
This isn’t how it’s “supposed” to be. What is “it” anyway? There has to be another way.
You lay in bed restless for a few more hours wondering, “Do other people go through this?”
Tired of pretending, you are done tricking yourself into believing everything is ok. But what do you do?
Depressed. Distrustful. Lost. Lonely.
We are products of our learned experiences.
Our past largely shapes our present. It plays a role in who we are and how we view the world. We build paradigms, ways of living and being. Is your paradigm functioning for you?
The mind is powerful. It allows us to perceive and interpret everything. We learn to think in certain terms, and these thoughts drive feelings. Your emotional state can be the result of your thought process.
Facts are facts. Thoughts and feelings are not always facts. Can you discern the difference? Feeling hopeless and confused, you start to lose faith in yourself and the world around you.
Faith is believing in what you cannot see.
The power of belief in our lives is critical. It’s going to drive the outcome to everything. If you believe you can, you will. If you believe you can’t, you won’t.
Sometimes it’s very simple, other times it’s more complicated. Life is a process, an uncertain one.
But how do you make the decisions that are best for you? Best for loved ones? Change is scary for you, and the fear of failure is intense.
Emotions often take over and rational thinking becomes obscured. Who do you turn to? How do you gain a sense of better clarity? How do you learn to trust yourself and in the process of life?
There is no courage without fear.
It takes courage to look in the mirror and face what is. This is the hardest part. Emotionally, you feel overwhelmed and at a loss. But it’s okay. I can help you, and this is where we will start.
With acceptance and unconditional positive regard.
It’s amazing when we begin to unearth long-standing patterns of behaviors, ones you were completely unaware of. Taking personal accountability for our lives, empowers us. Insight is the key, and the journey to self-awareness is fascinating.
Hi, I’m Alicia
Like everyone else, I am human.
What makes me different is my understanding of the human experience and its accompanying dynamics. I help you embrace your authenticity and create a greater sense of overall life satisfaction.
Feelings serve a purpose, and they deserve to be attended to. A surprise to many, our feelings help guide us and show us the way. I will not judge or criticize you for what you are feeling or thinking.
I am honest and sincere. My hope is that you will feel comfortable being genuine as well. We will develop a special type of relationship, one that is different from others and characterized as trusting.
I listen, clarify, and reflect, helping you make sense of what feels so confusing. Sometimes I may challenge that which you believe to be true. Your best interest is very important to me.
I provide support and encouragement. You are exercising the courage it takes to search within – and in doing so you will notice new needs arising. I teach you how to become mindful of this and how to go about meeting these deeper desires in healthy ways.